- Site Audits for Environmental, Health and Safety Evaluations
- "Permit by Rule" Treatment System/Site Closures
- Hazardous Materials Management Plan and Chemical Inventory submittals ("Hazardous Materials Business Plans" - HMBP
and "Hazardous Materials Inventory Statements" - HMIS)
- Wastewater facility permits and designs for clients served by the Santa Clara/San Jose: Sunnyvale: Palo Alto P.O.T.W.s
and Gilroy sanitary sewer districts
- Hazardous Materials Code interpretation for FAB or chemical support area design
- Chemical Management & Support for Building/Site Closure/Decontamination
- Employee training in Chemical Handling (MSDS-Right-to-Know/RCRA-Waste Handler); Fork-Lift; Permit by Rule; Injury
Illness Prevention Plan; Storm Water Pollution Prevention; Hazard Communication (HAZ-COM); Construction Safety
Management Awareness
- CEQA-EIR Negative Declarations & Exemptions
- Bay Area Air Quality Management District Permitting Issues
- Underground Storage Tank (UST) Removal Projects
- Groundwater Monitoring Well Installation and Annual Reporting
- Site Remediation (incl. Soils and/or Groundwater Concerns) Activity Supervision/Project Management
- SARA Title III Filings (Form R)
- Phase 1 and 2 Site Audits
- SB-14 Source Reduction/Waste Minimization/Resource Conservation Plans & Reports
- Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans and Annual Reporting
- Tiered and "Permit by Rule" and BAAQMD permit applications
- ARP (Accidental Release Prevention) Filings
- Injury Illness Prevention Plans
- Biennial Generator & Form R Reporting